All our classrooms are large, well-lit and airy to facilitate the learning process.
All our classes our digitally equipped with Smart Boards, laptops with contents according to the CBSE syllabus. Teachers can enhance the contents by uploading information on the server and viewing it in class. Classrooms become interactive with quizzes, questions, video clips pertaining to the topic in consideration and much more.
Library is a catalyst for teaching and scaffolding inquiry learning. It reflects collaborative learning and sharing of ideas. Our library also aims at doing just that. A comprehensive array of books enables the students and the teachers to get an access to information, knowledge building, cognitive development and later on a lively discussion. The library periods during the course of the time table ensure that each student gets a fair share of books according to their individual level of understanding and learning.
As aptly put, the library becomes a sanctuary and a mine of treasure and window to the world.
Science education aims to provide scientific literacy for the students as a part of liberal education and to prepare students for further studies. The various specimens and apparatus in the physics, chemistry and the biology laboratories not only succeed in piquing the student’s curiosity but also develops scientific attitude in them. The mathematics laboratory as well as the social science laboratory is the place where students are able to explore patterns and ideas. The students are free to explore the world of mathematics and thus discover and learn the abstract concepts quite easily.
Mathematics lab is an area where students learn and enjoy mathematics through shapes, patterns, board games etc. For the primary section a number cards helps them in identification of numbers, even and odd numbers or prime numbers through games thereby doing away with the fear for numbers from an early age.& Abacus acts as an aid in learning numeral system. The lab also provides an opportunity to understand the currency and its different denominations using representative currency notes. Weight and mass computations is an integral part of day to day life which can be learnt by using weighing balance and weights. 3 dimensional shapes enhance student’s ability to imagine and correlate different kinds of shapes with a real life objects.
To enhance the process of education and to exhibit their talents, we have a well equipped audio-visual room and an auditorium.
A well stocked games room with well qualified instructors are available to impart physical training to our budding sportsmen.
The school provides to and fro bus facility on payment basis to students from all major destinations and adjoining areas. The service is outsourced to a professional service provider and is controlled by Administration department of the school. Care is taken to provide a female attendant at all times en route, while the driver cares for the safety of children in the bus. GPS system and CCTV cameras are installed within the bus for the easy track and safety of the students.
Medical Room
The school has an 11 bed infirmary manned by a trained and highly experienced full time nurses. They are present in the school to help with any immediate medical assistance that may have to be met during the school hours. Children with infectious diseases are not permitted to attend the school to ensure the safety of other students. Parents are advised to keep their ward(s) at home until such time as they are permitted to return. Often parents send their ward(s) to school with infectious diseases, unmindful of the safety of the other students. Such students will be sent home immediately rather than allow them to infect others.
School has a spacious dining hall. The food is cooked, stored and served in the most hygienic conditions. School provides hygienic and nutritious balanced vegetarian food to children and staff.
Counselor Room
Counselors are present within the school premises to help the students with their learning difficulties. We have three trained special needs teacher who are available full time in the school campus to address the needs of the differently – abled students.