About Us
Pawar Public School is managed by the Pawar Public Charitable Trust, which is an organization that focuses on the needs of the less privileged sections of the society. As a part of the trust’s mission of serving the community at large, the trust has started an ICSE school at Bhandup, Mumbai in 2006. This school at Bhandup, is the flagship school of the Pawar Public Charitable Trust. The Pawar Public School, Pune is the second school of the trust which commenced in March 2008. The third school at Kandivli West, Mumbai commenced in March 2010, followed by fourth, an ICSE school in Chandivali, Mumbai. Three new schools are now added to Pune.
The Hinjewadi Branch of PPS began functioning in 2013. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (Affiliation No:1130565). The medium of instruction in the School is English. Our school is dedicated to providing all round development to the child and not merely follow a textbook oriented approach. Pawar Public School, Hinjewadi is an ISO 9001-2015 certified.
National Education Day
On 11th November 2019,thePawar Public School,Hinjewadi celebrated National Education day .On this eve many activities like slogan writing and greeting card making were organized through which our students got a chance to learn about the importance of this day. They came to know about our first Education Minister Moulana AbulKalam Azad and his contributions towards our country.The children joyfully participated in activities and realized the importance of the day. Celebrating National Education Day is a great initiative. It gives an opportunity to students to learn and realise the importance of education.

CBSE - Hubs Of Learning
On the occasion of Children’s Day, few students from classes 6, 7, and 8 had visited GGIS school at Vallabhnagar, to put up a performance in their morning assembly. Likewise students from GGIS put up a performance in our morning assembly. Student exchange initiative has been taken by the schools to boost the confidence and broaden the outlook of the students. A very confident performance was put up by the students of PPSH. It included performances like singing songs and mime and concluded with the National Anthem demonstrated in sign language. It was thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed by everyone. The school intends to create more and more such opportunities for the students so that they get a chance to meet students of other schools in their facilities.

Certification to Karate students
Universal Shotokan Karate-Do Association conducted the certification of the students who have selected Shotokan Karate as their CCA activity.. External faculty masters of the field had visited the school and they conducted the examination. The students performed extremely well and were awarded the yellow belt as an up gradation from their white belt. It was indeed a proud moment for all the students who received the yellow belt and a certificate for having successfully tested in basis techniques, sparring, kicks and katas.

International Award for Young People (IAYP) under Duke of EDINBURGH, UK and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Program provides the platform to the YOUNG MINDS (age group 14yrs to 25 yrs) .The International award For Young People is an exciting self development program for the youth, it equips the young with life skills, builds confidence and engages the youth with their communities.
Pawar Public school has introduced IAYP in 2016 as a part of its co-curricular activity program. It provides holistic development includes activities that strengthen young people. More people today understand that child development and youth development does not happen in a straight line. Instead, it is driven by the ecology surrounding children and youth. That ecology includes the adults, other young people, the environment, social and economic realities, culture, and many more parts. The whole meaning of HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT can be equated in short, to a growth which will grow a young mind in totality towards “BELIEVING IN ONESELF.” Around the world, more than 140 countries use this model for positive youth empowerment. It draws together and connects people, institutions and generations with the common purpose of youth development and inclusion. The program is non-competitive and anyone with perseverance and enterprise, including the disabled, can earn an award. Young people choose activities that are appropriate to their environment and best suited to their own personal interests and talents. For adults, the program provides an opportunity to help by sharing their individual skills and experience with young people. The participants take part in special projects in various parts of the country, including night shelter programs and the provision of medical, recreation and counseling services for street children. Working towards the award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognizes their achievements. Cambridge International has also collaborated recently with The international Award for Young People IAYP to offer Cambridge schools new ways to broaden their curriculum alongside Cambridge academic programs. Currently Pawar Public School has won 48 bronzes within 3 years and silvers to come IAYP CERTIFICATE has provided many children to walk into the best of THE UNIVERSITIES in the country and abroad.
Karate Belt Grading & Distribution Ceremoney
It gives us immense pride to announce that Pawar Public School, Hinjewadi has organised (KEN -ELMABUNI SHITO-RYU KARATE SCHOOL OF INDIA) Karate Belt Gardening & Belt Distribution Ceremony for Classes I to VII where in students participated with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. Richak Das from class VI has secured first rank in the boys category and Piya Shukla from class IV has secured Ist place in girls category. We really appreciate Mr Ashok Mane our karate coach, for his hard work behind the success of all those involved.

Co-Curricular Activities

“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.”

“Calligraphy is an art form that uses ink and a brush to express the very souls of words on paper.”

“Basketball is a lifelong game. You continue to learn from the game day in and day out, and all along the way, you get better.’’

““Ham Radio is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the internet or cell phones. It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need.”

“Skating can make you feel athletic, graceful, beautiful.”

“Martial arts are a vehicle for developing your human potential.’’

“Competing in gymnastics is the greatest reminder of being alive as a human being.’’

“Karate is a defensive art from beginning to end.’’

“Dancing is more than just moving body parts; it is a pathway of expressing your deepest inner thoughts.”

“Painting is an essentially concrete art and can only consist of the representation of real and existing things.’’

“Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.’’

“Volleyball is one of the most interactive games going. It is a game of intuition, imagination, improvisation—but most of all, of reciprocity. Of teamwork. There is no way to freelance in volleyball.’’

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.’’

“Life is a game of Kabaddi!’’

“Music is the universal language of mankind.’’

“Aux grands maux les grands remèdes. — Desperate times call for desperate measures.’’ (French)

“Table Tennis is like an atom. To the ignorant it is merely microscopic and insignificant in existence, but to the dedicated, it is intricate in design and the building block to everything we know.”

Taten sagen mehr als Worte. “Actions say more than words.” German